Salt Mouth Rinse Benefits

Salt Mouth Rinse Benefits

Published 29/09/2021

Last Reviewed 09/04/2024

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While many people only consider using a mouth rinse as a way to freshen the breath, these products offer a lot more benefits. Together with brushing and flossing, mouth rinses ensure good oral hygiene and reduce the chances of gum disease, tartar, plaque and many other problems linked with poor oral health.

While many people only consider using a mouth rinse as a way to freshen the breath, these products offer a lot more benefits. Together with brushing and flossing, mouth rinses ensure good oral hygiene and reduce the chances of gum disease, tartar, plaque and many other problems linked with poor oral health.

Should mouth rinsing be part of your daily oral hygiene routine? How is it helpful and what kinds of mouth rinses are available for you to use? These or any other questions that you might have or if you’re generally concerned about using a mouth rinse for the first time, here’s some useful information that may help you out.

Do You Really Need A Mouth Rinse?

Mouth rinse isn’t a substitute for brushing and flossing, but it’s healthy for your teeth and gums just the same. Antioxidants in the mouth rinse reaches the nooks and crannies in your mouth that brush may fail to access. It helps prevent cavities, gum diseases and tooth decay. In addition, mouth rinses also fight off plaque and tartar from your teeth and help in whitening your teeth. In fact, regular use of mouth rinses after having a professional whitening procedure can help prolong the benefits.

Despite all the benefits, it’s important to know what mouth rinses can and cannot do. While mouth rinses can maintain and enhance your oral health, they cannot reverse any serious oral problems. If you’re experiencing persistent bad breath or frequent bleeding of the gums, you should schedule a visit with the dentist at the earliest. Among other treatments, the dentist is likely to prescribe you a mouth rinse as well.  

Mouthwash VS. Mouth Rinse

Are mouthwash and mouth rinse really different or are they just different names for the same thing? As a matter of fact, these are two different products for oral hygiene and serve different purposes. If you’re going to include either one of these in your daily routine, it will help to learn the difference and understand how and when to use each one.

A mouth rinse is typically used before brushing and flossing. The primary purpose of using it is to prevent plaque buildup on your teeth and also to freshen your breath. Among fluoride and other ingredients that strengthen your teeth, mouth rinses also often include phloretin for its antibacterial properties. Doctors often prescribe a mouth rinse with phloretin and ferulic acid, like AO ProRinse – Sensitive and AO ProRinse – White Care for patients experiencing plaque and gum diseases.

A mouthwash, on the other hand, is used after brushing and flossing. They are an antiseptic mixture that’s used to slow down the development of bacteria in your oral cavity after brushing. Mouthwash uses a different combination of ingredients from mouth rinses to achieve their distinct benefits. It can include over 27% alcohol along with other active ingredients with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide, zinc and fluoride are some other common ingredients you’ll find in a mouthwash.

All in all, both mouth rinse and mouthwashes have their own set of unique benefits and are a good addition to your daily oral health care routine. Schedule an appointment with a dentist to seek help in designing the perfect oral care routine based on your specific condition and requirements.

Different Types Of Common Mouth Rinses:

Different types of mouth rinses are available, depending on what’s included in them and what specific problem they address. Besides over-the-counter and prescription mouth rinses, homemade mouth rinses are also effective in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Your dentist can help you make the right choice for you.

Here are a few common mouth rinses, popular for their many benefits. 

Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Rinse

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent and a popular ingredient in many mouth rinses and mouthwashes. These mouth rinses function as a mild antiseptic and can help relieve irritation due to gum disease, dentures and cankers. When the rinse comes in contact with the affected area, it releases oxygen, resulting in foaming, which in turn helps get rid of mucus to clean and soothe the area.

Depending on what brand you are using, it may be ready-to-use or will need to be diluted in water before applying it to the mouth. Follow the instructions on the package and swish the solution in your mouth for 1 minute before spitting it out. Repeat the application up to 4 times every day to see positive results.

●      Can You Rinse Mouth With Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound of hydrogen and water, as the name suggests. It’s easily available at drug stores and is used in a number of different applications. It is safe to gargle with hydrogen peroxide as long as you use a diluted solution and take care not to swallow it. Even if the bottle is labeled ‘food grade’ hydrogen peroxide, dilute it in water until you have a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution.

The safest way is to use a 3% hydrogen peroxide from the store, combine it with water in 1:2 where 2 parts is water and 1 part is hydrogen peroxide. The final solution will be 1% hydrogen peroxide, ready to be rinsed with. Swish the solution in your mouth for 1 minute before spitting it out. Do not swallow it.

Salt Water Mouth Rinse

If you don’t yet have a mouth rinse available at home or just want to back your daily brushing routine with a simple homemade mouth rinse, salt water is an excellent option. It provides relief from sore throat and gum sores and can easily be prepared at home even if you don’t have an over-the-counter mouth rinse at hand.

However, do keep in mind that mouth rinses and mouthwashes aren’t recommended for children younger than 6 years of age. The same is the case with salt water rinses. Children under the age of 6 or anyone who has difficulty gargling shouldn’t be using it. Salt water works by temporarily raising the pH of your oral cavity and creating an alkaline environment for the mouth bacteria. While bacteria thrives in an acidic environment, alkalinity

will have the opposite effect. Breeding and bacterial activity will slow down and ultimately the bacterial population will be significantly reduced. Many dentists recommend using salt water for relief from minor dental surgeries.

●      How To Make Salt Water Mouth Rinse At Home

The procedure is as simple as it sounds. Just dissolve ½ tsp salt in a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth with it. Use it every 2 to 3 hours if you’re recovering from a dental procedure. It’s also helpful in recovering from common colds, tonsillitis and mouth sores. Even if you’re not experiencing any health problems, salt water rinse is an excellent supplement to your daily oral care routine. It’s effective in killing germs and keeping your mouth protected from one meal to the next.

●      What Type Of Salt For Mouth Rinse?

You can use any type of salt that’s easily available to prepare your salt water gargle. Iodized or table salt, kosher salt and sea salt are all good options. The entire purpose of a salt water rinse is to create an alkaline environment inside your mouth where bacteria struggles to survive. Any type of salt can easily achieve this purpose. You can also use cold water instead of warm water to make the solution and it will offer the same benefits. However, it’s best used warm, especially in the case of sore throat since warmth comforts your irritated throat. Also, it’s easier to dissolve salt in warm water.

Dry Mouth Rinse

Dry mouth rinse is a mouth rinse specifically designed to enrich your mouth with moisture. Besides hydrating your mouth and relieving you from the discomforts caused by dry mouth conditions, the rinse also creates a balanced, bacteria-free oral environment and freshens your breath.

Dry mouth is a common condition that can result from many factors including allergies. Read our post Can Allergies Cause Dry Mouth? To learn more about how allergies cause dry mouth and tips on how to relieve the condition.

If you’re suffering from dry mouth, PerioSciences AO Pro Rinse – Hydrating is an exclusive product, specialized at hydrating your mouth with natural ingredients. Together with proven moisturizers, the mouth rinse also includes powerful antioxidants, including phloretin and ferulic acid, zinc compounds and other natural ingredients to freshen your breath, enhance moisture, eliminate bacteria and create a healthy oral environment.

Swish 1 tablespoon of AO Pro Rinse - Hydrating daily after brushing your teeth, for about 1 minute before spitting it out. Avoid eating and drinking for 30 minutes after using it. Since it’s derived from natural ingredients, children over 2 years of age can safely use it.

Mouth Rinse FAQs

Should you rinse your mouth after brushing?

Rinsing before or after brushing is a matter of preference. Mayo Clinic recommends using a mouth rinse after brushing the teeth. NHS, in contrast, recommends using mouth rinse some time after brushing to avoid diluting the effects of fluoride from brushing. ADA, on the other hand, says that you can rinse your mouth anytime it suits you, before or after brushing.

However, you should also keep in mind that different products are created differently. Based on the ingredients they use, it might be more suitable to use a mouth rinse before or after brushing and flossing. Check the instructions on the packaging of the mouth rinse you are using to learn when to use it for maximum benefits.

Can I rinse my mouth after wisdom tooth extraction?

It is common to experience some discomfort after wisdom tooth extraction. The mild pain and swelling that results can last between a few days to weeks. Though mouth rinses have many benefits. It’s advised to refrain from using them for at least 48 hours after you’ve had your wisdom tooth extracted. This is because a blood clot forms over the wound on the gums from where your tooth is extracted. Rinsing the affected area can damage the clot and bleeding may resume.

After 48 hours, you can use an alcohol-free mouth rinse, such as PerioSciences line of mouth rinses. These mouth rinses are made from natural ingredients and do not contain alcohol. Alcohol-based mouth rinses can sting the affected area and elevate the pain so it’s important to avoid them.

Mouth Rinses - Conclusion

PerioSciences exclusive line of mouth rinses are designed by dental professionals to help you reap the best benefits out of your oral care routine. Complement your usual oral health routine of brushing and flossing with mouth rinses to enjoy a fresh breath along with a bright and healthy smile.

[Explanation regarding review process and fact checking.]

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